Home rehabilitation

Rehabilitation doesn't have to be complicated or take a lot of time. Usually (please ask your therapist or doctor) any physical activity will influence you in very positive way – especially when you can spend this time having fun with your family.

Is home rehabilitation possible?

Rehabilitation doesn't have to be complicated or take a lot of time. Usually (please ask your therapist or doctor) any physical activity will influence you in very positive way – especially when you can spend this time having fun with your family. That’s why Brontes Processing is designing and developing family oriented products that prepare the little ones for the future, bring friends and families closer and offer technology solutions of tomorrow. We believe in user-friendly games that are accessible and easy to use to people in all ages and skill sets.

Of course playing at home will not replace your normal rehabilitation process, where your therapist is able to find out what exercises will be best for you, adjust the training’s parameters in optimal way and track your progress over time. However home training is a good addition.

So what is the proposition?

The therapy starts while you are visiting your clinician. Clinician will teach you how to use the system, will prepare for you customized trainings and then day by day will analyze your results to keep the therapy sessions challenging. You will need to perform at least several therapy sessions having your clinician nearby - he or she will keep adjusting all the parameters to have the therapy tailored perfectly for you.

More information about home therapy in VAST.Rehab:

Virtual Reality using Kinect

This is a modern approach to rehabilitation, which is fun for the patient. This form of a session, from the psychological point of view, brings many positive aspects, which result in stronger effects - desired in terms of improving the functioning of the people undergoing the rehabilitation. Find more Kinect Rehabilitation