Walking and running on the platform placed in the clouds. Patient’s steps on the spot are reflected on the screen by moving the little character. Speed (frequency) of the steps affects the character’s moving speed.
The module is used to train walking, transferring body weight from foot to foot, alternating lifting the feet, and (in the most difficult option) for practicing jumps.
The module requires a standing position and is not intended to be used in a sitting position.
The aim of the game is to reach the finish line in the shortest time. Along the way, depending on the route setting, the patient may have to overcome various obstacles.
There are 9 tracks prepared. The difficulty of the exercise is determined by selecting the difficulty of the track. In the easiest option, the patient has to overcome the straight track without any obstacles. In more difficult options there are obstacles that require the patient to be more careful. The more difficult tracks are composed of elements such as:
The system collects data about the accuracy, activity, and the number of steps performed in subsequent time intervals.
If during exercise the module seems to detect the movements of the patient incorrectly, pay attention to the small screen-in the bottom right corner of the screen. You should see there entire patient’s body (white) on the black background. If there are red stripes visible it means the patient can not be seen by the system.
This is a modern approach to rehabilitation, which is fun for the patient. This form of a session, from the psychological point of view, brings many positive aspects, which result in stronger effects - desired in terms of improving the functioning of the people undergoing the rehabilitation. Find more Kinect Rehabilitation